Learn Chi Gong energy healing with Dylan. (Video)

Hello everyone,

In these two videos i wanted to give everyone a good look at my super simple and fun chi gong healing (moving) meditation that i use daily to energize and rapidly heal my body, clear my karma, and attract love and abundance into my life. I love how these came out because the setting of nature and the weather perfectly reflects the yin and yang energies that i was trying to portray for the exercise in each videos, so im pretty happy with them despite the fact that they both still portray a great deal of a certain level of amateur delivery and execution that i have been unable to completely remove from my video presentations as of yet :p anyways i hope you enjoy and lemme know what you think in the commmment section vvvvv down ther. peace and love

video 2 – yin energy movement and storage

video 1 – yang (material) energy accumulation

One thought on “Learn Chi Gong energy healing with Dylan. (Video)

  1. Eddie Moman says:

    Hey Dylan. Love all the updates to your site!
    Eddie Moman

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